楽しく撮影にいくとついてにキャンプした記録! - Yolerhome

A record of the fun photo shoot we went on and the camping we went on!

It's also time for a twice-monthly blog.

We all went out and took photos so that the products will go on sale this month so that customers can see more realistic photos or photos to help them understand how to use them when ordering.

On Saturday morning, I arrived at the office early and organized the products I planned to photograph, then drove to the campsite.

After the rain, the muddy ground made it difficult to walk. If you're not careful with puddles, you'll end up covered in mud, so everyone was carrying their luggage to their destinations with trepidation.

It was difficult because we didn't have enough manpower. After going around a few times, we finally completed the transportation. Now it's time to set up the tents.

It was hard to set up, even pitching the tent. But I'm willing to do anything to get good photos, so I think it was worth it in the end.

Now let's take a look at the results.

There will be more opportunities like this in the future, so let's enjoy it again
-------------------------------The end ------------------------------

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